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How to record a video for 1:1 feedback

Tips on how to record your performance piece video for feedback from the Pickup Guitar Mentor team.

Sam Blakelock avatar
Written by Sam Blakelock
Updated over a month ago

In this article, we’ll cover two different methods for filming yourself playing to ensure that we can provide the most helpful feedback possible.

Best practices for recording:

  • Make sure we can see your hands on the guitar. A clear view of your fretting and picking hands is crucial for us to analyze your technique.

  • Make sure we can hear your guitar clearly. If you're using a backing track, the guitar should be louder than it would be on a typical recording, but not so loud that it overpowers the track.

  • Don’t worry about perfection. This is a learning process, and we’re here to help you improve!

  • Film a test first. A quick test run can help you identify and fix any issues before recording your final submission.

Method 1: The phone method – Easy and reliable

The simplest way to record your performance is by using your phone. Here’s how:

  1. Set up your phone to capture both your guitar and backing track. Position it to clearly show your hands. Phone tripods are inexpensive and will make this easier.

  2. Check the audio balance. The phone’s mic will record your guitar and the backing track simultaneously. Do a test run to make sure the sound levels are balanced.

  3. Review your recording. Make adjustments if necessary to improve the audio or video quality.

  4. Capture your take. Record a performance that you're happy with.

  5. Transfer your recording to your computer. Options include:

    • AirDrop (for Apple users)

    • File-sharing services like Google Drive or Dropbox

    • Email

  6. Upload your video to Pickup. Need help uploading? Check this article out.

Method 2: The DAW method – For superior sound

For those looking to achieve higher audio quality and learn the basics of home recording, the DAW method is ideal. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) like GarageBand, Logic, Pro Tools, or Ableton.

  • A preamp to connect your guitar to your computer (e.g., Focusrite Scarlett series)

  • An XLR cable + a microphone to record your amp/acoustic guitar OR a quarter-inch instrument cable to directly connect your guitar to the pre-amp (DI method)


  1. Download the backing track for your performance piece, if applicable.

  2. Open a new project in your chosen DAW.

  3. Import the backing track into your project.

  4. Set up a new track to capture your guitar.

    1. Use an XLR cable + microphone for amps/acoustic guitars.

    2. Or, plug your guitar directly into the preamp for DI recording. If using DI, use a virtual amp simulator for a better sound – most DAWs include these.

  5. Record your performance. Play along with the backing track and capture your guitar’s sound.

  6. Adjust the audio balance. Don’t worry about perfect balance during recording—this can be tweaked afterward.

  7. Use cycle recording to record multiple takes and select your best one later.

  8. Film your performance. Use your phone or any camera. Count the take number aloud at the start and let the camera capture audio as well.

  9. Sync your audio and video.

    • Transfer the video to your computer.

    • Import the video into your DAW and align the audio from the DAW with the camera’s audio using visual waveforms or auto-sync tools.

    • Alternatively, use a video editing program (like Premiere Pro, iMovie, or DaVinci Resolve) and export the audio from your DAW to sync with the video.

  10. Export your final video with the synced audio.

  11. Upload your video to the Pickup site.

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