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An update to Pickup Music's pricing

Ensuring the sustainability of Pickup Music for the year ahead

Sam Blakelock avatar
Written by Sam Blakelock
Updated over a week ago

Today, we're sharing some important news regarding changes to our membership pricing for new members. Before diving into the details, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and enthusiasm for what we do at Pickup Music.

It's because of you that we've been able to grow and create some of the world's best online guitar lessons.

Our journey and your role in It

Over the past few years, Pickup Music has significantly expanded the value we provide our members.

We've introduced features like:

  • 1:1 video feedback

  • weekly live lessons

  • Live-band backing tracks

  • the Pickup Music Practice Center

  • monthly competitions and giveaways.

We've also added a ton of new Learning Pathways and Master Classes, including a major upgrade to the popular CAGED Learning Pathway. These investments have made Pickup Music one of the best ways to get better at guitar – especially for intermediate and advanced players.

And we're just getting started! Pickup Music is going to get even more awesome this year with a mobile app and several new Learning Pathways.

Why we're updating our pricing

We’re adjusting our pricing to more accurately reflect the value our members get from the product and to make room for some great new features. This decision wasn't made lightly. It's a step we're taking to ensure we can sustainably support our team, partner artists, and most importantly, you – our members.

The price of a new Pickup Music membership is now:

  • Monthly membership: $29.99/month

  • Annual membership: $179.99/year

We still offer the $14.99 per month price point, but only for members who commit to the annual plan.

This new structure aligns with our long-term vision to inspire and support lifelong guitar learning. That’s why we’ve structured our pricing to allow you to save 50% when you commit to an annual plan instead of paying monthly for twelve months. This change provides more than three times the savings you used to receive by subscribing annually rather than monthly.

Does this affect existing members?

No. We want to assure our existing members that your current subscription rates will remain unchanged. You will keep paying the same price for as long as your current membership stays active.

Your loyalty and trust mean the world to us, and this is our way of saying thank you.

Our commitment to you

Pickup Music isn't just a platform; it's a community. A community that thrives on learning, sharing, and growing together. With these changes, we're not just adjusting numbers; we're reaffirming our commitment to investing in providing you with the best possible learning experience.

We're pumped about the year ahead and are deeply thankful for your continued support. I’m thankful for every member, every partner artist, and every team member for believing that, together, we can create the future of learning guitar.

Sam Blakelock

CEO & Co-founder, Pickup Music

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